Saturday, December 13, 2014


In your absence
I learned so much about myself

I learned my boiling points
And my breaking points

I learned my strengths
As well as my weaknesses
I learned first place is
The only position I belong in
I learned the difference between
Want and possession
As well as the difference between
Infatuation and intoxication

I learned limits are necessary
And boundaries are non negotiable

In losing the other half of me
I was finally able to make myself whole

At this point
Taking you back would not only
Not be fair to me
But it would not be fair to you
Because you are not coming back to
The same person you left behind

I have been born anew

“Rebuilt” – by #withloveKM


  1. Hey I was reading your poems and I like them a lot I would like to know if you can help me with a problem I have
